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Pre-Production Meeting

On Saturday February 13, my group and I meet on Zoom to talk about our podcast. We talk about our roles and responsibilities in regards to the project. We decided that we will be focusing on Disney Fairy Tales.

  • We decided that I will be the host and begin the podcast.

  • We came up with two plans because we were unsure if the host needed its own segment:

  1. The first plan was that we would have our own little segment, so in total there would be 4 segments(one for each of us.) We will also have an an introduction and closing statement

  2. The second plan was that we would have 2 segments in which two would be in one segment. Yifei and Vicky in one and Lincong and I in the other

- We plan to record our podcast on Zoom, so we will all meet together to record. Yifei will record the meeting and collect the file.

- Yifei will also be creating the Wix website and we will help her edit the site.

- We plan to meet on Friday Feb 19 at 6pm for rehearsal and then we will record our podcast on Saturday Feb 20 at 5pm (we plan to meet in the afternoon due to the time differences we live in)


Host: Melissa

Script Coordinator: Lincong

Podcast Director: Jaiyu (Vicky)

Podcast Editor: Yifei

Mircositie Editor: Yifei, Melissa, and ALL

Researchers: Yifei and Melissa

Movies: Beauty and the Beast (1991 & 2017) and we plan to add another movie

Content Structure according to plan 1 that we came up with during our meeting:

Introduction (2 mins): Melissa will start off by introducing the topic and everyone, music will play

Segment 1 (5mins): Jiayu

- How do male Characters in the New version of Beauty and the Beast show toxic masculinity?

- Yifei will also contribute and talk during her segment

Segment 2 (5mins): Yifei

- How the newer version on Beauty and the Beast shows female personality

- Jiayu will also contribute and talk during her segment

Segment 3 (5 mins) : Lincong

- What female gender roles are reflected in Mulan 2020?

- Melissa will also contribute and talk during her segment

Segment 4 (5 mins): Melissa

- How is beauty defined within each gender in fairy tale movies?

- Lincong will also contribute and talk during her segment

Our next meeting will be on Friday to rehearse!


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